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TripAdvisor pulls ads from Laura Ingraham over whiny Hogg

So it’s not just Rachael Ray’s Nutrish. It’s also that stupid owl at TripAdvisor pulling their ads because David Hogg got his ego bruised when Ingraham mocked him for not being able to get into four different, far left colleges in California.

TripAdvisor pulls ads from Laura Ingraham over whiny Hogg
TripAdvisor pulls ads from Laura Ingraham over whiny Hogg

Online travel website TripAdvisor is planning to stop advertising on Laura Ingraham’s show after the Fox News host posted a critical tweet about a Parkland, Fla., high school student.

A company spokesperson said in a statement that the company doesn’t “condone the inappropriate comments made by this broadcaster,” according to CNBC.

“In our view, these statements focused on a high school student cross the line of decency. As such, we have made a decision to stop advertising on that program,” the spokesperson said.

Ingraham on Wednesday shared a Daily Wire story that reported Parkland student David Hogg was rejected from four colleges.
“David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates,)” Ingraham tweeted.

Hogg — who has become a vocal advocate for gun control since the mass shooting that took place at his school on Feb. 14 — replied a few hours later, asking in a tweet who the Fox News host’s biggest advertisers were.

I guess the moral of the story her is don’ mock leftists anymore, because they are become fascists and will make sure cowardly companies pull their ads from your show. Again, normally advertisers pull ads from programs for racism or sexual misconduct revelations. This pulling of ads by first Rachael Ray and now the stupid owl at TripAdvisor are the first known ads being pulled because someone hurt the feelings of whiny little teenager/crisis actor. I would boycott TripAdvisor, but I have never used them anyway.