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Youtube slapping ‘inappropriate or offensive to some audiences…’ disclaimer on David Hogg satirical videos

Apparently Youtube is now in the game of protecting loud mouthed crisis actor David Hogg. Youtube is slapping ‘inappropriate or offensive to some audiences…’ or any video apparing to be against Hogg, including satirical videos. How pathetic! This is the video mocking Hogg that Youtube has begun censoring.

Youtube slapping ‘inappropriate or offensive to some audiences…’ disclaimer on David Hogg satirical videos
Youtube slapping  ‘inappropriate or offensive to some audiences…’ disclaimer on David Hogg satirical videos

A satirical video that overdubs fiery rhetoric of Adolf Hitler (in German) over a speech given by student activist David Hogg at Saturday’s “March for our Lives” in Washington has earned it a warning to would-be viewers on YouTube.

The video channel, owned by Google, flagged the 56-second send-up of the gun control advocate — who shot to fame following his reporting and commentary at the Parkland, Fla. school shootings — as “inappropriate” or “offensive.”

Viewers attempting to watch the video were met with the following message, and then had to click “I understand and wish to proceed” in order to play it:

The parody, posted on a YouTube channel managed by “MAGA3D,” converts the footage of Hogg’s speech in DC into a black-and-white grainy imagery, with the sound of a 1930s-era film projector in the background, and the impassioned speech of the German fuhrer roughly matching up to Hogg’s lip movements.

The sound of applause and salutes to Hitler in response from the crowds are linked to the fist-raising responses from participants at “March for our Lives.”

“MAGA3D” titled the video, “Hogg Hitler! The little dictator in the making.”