The Gateway Pundit, Drudge Report and Breitbart are probably the most pro-Trump sites on the ‘Net. But if you check out the comment sections on The Gateway Pundit and Breitbart, you’ll see that the vast majority of Trump supporters are fuming with him signing this joke of an omnibus bill. Some are even hoping Robert Mueller takes him down. Drudge Report has this as their main story: Fake Veto.
The comment sections on The Gateway Pundit and Breitbart are really bad for Trump and his so called “America FIrst” line.
I’m not completely off the Trump train myself, but I am more than irritated with the stunt he pulled today. It’s looking more and more like Ted Cruz was right during the GOP debates calling Trump a New York liberal. Trump’s biggest concern during this press conference wasn’t cutting wasteful spending like bonuses for congress or the Schumer tunnel, but rather pass DACA. If I wanted bloated spending on wasteful projects, illegal aliens getting citizenship and constant mocking, I could have voted for Jeb Bush.