You know it’s kind of funny, if not ironic that when Eric Holder, the most corrupt Attorney General in American history (barely ahead of Loretta Lynch) made multiple statements during his time as AG about how he protects Obama because “he’s one of his people or something.” Yet, when he went on the Bill Maher-tard show, he compared himself to Mr. Magoo Jeff Sessions and had the audacity to claim: “The difference between me and Jeff Sessions is, I had a president I did not have to protect.”
Exposing Eric Holder’s Obstruction of Justice |
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Have they no shame? Just days before it was announced that documents regarding the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal were to be released after being hidden for six years under executive privilege, there was former Obama attorney general Eric Holder responding to a question on Bill Maher’s show:
Say what? How quickly they forget about Fast and Furious just to name one example of the corruption and scandals Eric Holder protected Obama from. He was also Attorney General during the Benghazi terrorist attack, the BP oil spill, etc. Ask Brian Terry’s or Jaime Zapata’s family if Eric Holder “protected” Obama’s ass.
Holder did have a president to protect, as well as himself, partners in a criminal scheme to run guns into Mexico and into the hands of Mexican drug lords, guns that led to the deaths of border agents Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata.