Tennesee Democrat scum Steve Cohen once again displayed his ugly racism by belittling and calling Star Parker, a black, pro-life supporter “ignorant.” Imagine for a second if any pro-abortion black woman testified to Congress and was called ignorant or mocked by a Republican. That politician would be out of office so fast it would make your head spin. Not scum bag racist Democrat Steve Cohen though. As long as Star Parker is pro-life, calling her names and belittling her with obvious racism earns Cohen street cred. And of course absolutely no coverage from the corrupt Democrat media complex.
Racist! White Democrat Steve Cohen calls pro-life Star Parker ignorant |
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A white male Democrat said Star Parker, a black pro-life activist, was being “ignorant” during a hearing on a pro-life bill, suggesting that she lacked the ability to properly deal with Congress members.
Parker, the founder of Center for Urban Renewal and Education, was testifying on the Heartbeat Protection Act earlier this week and the ways abortion affects the black community when Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen got upset about her remarks.
Another person attempted to stand up for Parker, requesting that the congressman apologize to Parker for calling her “ignorant.” Cohen refused, declaring “she’s ignorant about me!”
Being that Steve Cohen is a Jew, he wouldn’t make for a very good Democrat KKK member. I guess because of that, this is how he choose to display his true racist feelings.