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Mike Pence attends Colts-49ers game, walks out when thug players kneel

Even after last Sunday’s shooting in Las Vegas and all the first respondents and police help trying to get to safety as a left wing extremist began his act of terrorist, NFL scum football players still couldn’t show an ounce of respect. The Indianapolis Colts had a home game against the San Francisco 49ers today, with VP Mike Pence in attendance. As the natiional anthem played, the National Felons League players decided to disrespect the flag, military, police and country yet again by kneeling. So what did VP Pence did? He picked himself out, walked out of the stadium. Good for you Mr. Vice President!

Mike Pence attends Colts-49ers game, walks out when thug players kneel
Mike Pence attends Colts-49ers game, walks out when thug players kneel

I don’t understand the Colts. Indianapolis, at least when I was there never seemed to be a big, anti-American city like San Francisco or Chicago. Sure, the core is liberal there, but it wasn’t full on anti-American.

Hopefully, what Mike Pence did today will encourage others to do the same when these thug players disrespect the flag and country. Though I understand it could probably be very difficult considering the exorbitant fees on pays to actually get into a game.