You knew it would happen sooner or later? The progressive disease of mediocre sports players taking a knee would spread to other sports. I figured it would be the NBA first, but it turns out some loser named Bruce Maxwell on the Oakland A’s decided to take a knee during the National Anthem tonight in Oakland. Pretty fitting place for this to happen as Northern California (is worse than Southern California) and about as communist as it gets.
Bruce Maxwell of loser Oakland A’s takes a knee during anthem |
Bruce Maxwell wasn’t even born in this country, he was born in Germany, which also seems fitting. He even played for Team Germany at a 2017 World Baseball Classic qualifier in March 2016. His salary as a scrub no named player for the Oakland A’s is an astounding $507,500. Dude is so oppressed isn’t he? He’s basically just a scrub player for a low salary team like the Oakland A’s who have one who the worst attendance records in baseball this year.
Bruce Maxwell is set for life. After his little stunt tonight, he certainly has a career on left wing cable TV anti-American shows. He’ll make more money being an MSNBC or CNN hack then he will at baseball. Scrubs like him don’t usually last too long in the Major League.