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Trump personally donates $1 million to Texas Harvey relief Obama, Clinton 0

President Donald Trump has personally donated $1 of his own money to Hurricane Sandy relief effort. Of course, with Trump being a billionaire, expect the media to criticize him for “only” donating $1 MILLION. Regardless of the pathetic media will say, assuming they even mention Trump’s personal donation to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts, just remember Trump’s $1 million donation is still $1 million more than the Obama’s and Clinton’s have given, combined.

Trump personally donates $1 million to Texas Harvey relief Obama, Clinton 0
Trump personally donates $1 million to Texas Harvey relief Obama, Clinton 0

It’s also more than Nancy Pelosi, Turban Durban, Chuck Schumer, George Soros, Tom Steyer and left wing media hacks have given. Remember, “star” left wing media hacks make an average of $10 million per year. To be fair to Obama and Clinton, The Bush family hasn’t given any of their oil dominated money to any relief efforts, yet, including Jeb. I have a feeling George W. Bush will end up giving something though.