An interesting prospect if if Sheriff Joe Arpaio tries to primary Jeff the Flake next year. That sounds good on paper and all but Arpaio is 85 years old. He wouldn’t be around more than one term most likely if he were to win. Kelli Ward on the other hand is much younger, and a pro-Trump Republican. The NeverTrump hacks at National Review, Weekly Standard and those on Fox News has tried to cast Kelli Ward as the new Sharon Angle. They are scared because Ward leads Jeff the Flake by 25 percentage points in the first Arizona GOP primary of the 2018 election. Hopefully Arizona is getting tired of John McCain Jr. in Jeff the Flake.
Arizona GOP primary: Kelli Ward leads Jeff the Flake by 25% |
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The poll, provided to Breitbart News ahead of its public release by JMC Analytics’ John Couvillon, shows Flake in almost irreparable shape ahead of his reelection bid in 2018. That an incumbent U.S. Senator like Flake could be polling as low as 21 percent in his own primary, while a challenger like Ward has pulled 26 points ahead of him at 47 percent, is almost unthinkable with nearly a full year to go until the August 2018 primary. Three percent of the electorate said they would vote for Nicholas Tutora, another candidate, and 29 percent are undecided, when asked which candidate they would vote for between Ward, Flake, and Tutora.
When asked if Flake should be renominated in 2018, an astounding 66 percent said that someone else should represent the Republican Party on the Senate ticket next year while just 22 percent said Flake should be renominated and 13 percent are undecided.
Fifty-six percent said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate if President Donald Trump endorsed someone in the primary, while 19 percent said they would be less likely, and 25 percent said a Trump endorsement would make no difference.
The survey also asked respondents about Trump’s criticism of Flake as “weak on borders, crime, and a non-factor in the Senate.” It noted that Trump “wants to unseat Senator Flake in the Republican primary,” and asked if that makes voters more or less likely to back Flake in 2018. In response, a solid majority—60 percent—said that Trump’s opposition to Flake’s reelection makes them less likely to support the senator, while only 21 percent