Since ESPN was so concerned about Robert Lee offending people broadcasting a college football game in Virginia, when does ESPN get rid of liberal Robert “Bob” Ley who is named after a Nazi Germany politician? Bob Ley of ESPN is a liberal hack who often tries to play social justice warrior on his show Outside the Lines. I mean it’s only fair isn’t it? Robert Ley was a Nazi Germany politician back in the ’30s and 40’s who committed suicide while awaiting trial at Nuremberg for war crimes. The pronunciation of Robert Ley’s name is Robert “Lee” too. So what is ESPN waiting for?
When will ESPN fire Bob Ley? Named after Nazi German politician? |
What’s worse to ESPN? A name sounding like a Confederate general that belongs to a man of a totally different race? Or the exact name of a lily white, aging old SJW who is named after one of the Nazis who committed genocide?
Now of course doing anything to Bob Ley is a ridiculous idea. I’m sure ESPN’s Bob Ley is not in any way related to the Nazi Robert Ley. Yet the name is exactly the same like with Robert Lee. Do you see how utterly ridiculous ESPN and the liberal media defending them really are?
Maybe I should call ESPN’s Bob Ley the doppelganger of Nazi Robert Ley. That’s what Reuters did to Robert Lee.