CNN Chris Cillizza had a virutal Twitter meltdown when Poland’s First Lady walked past Donald Trump to shake First Lady Melania Trump’s hand. Cillizza must have assumed that Poland’s First Lady did that to show up Trump or something. This is CNN’s Chris Cilliza.
CNN Chris Cillizza has meltdown when Poland’s first lady goes to Melania first |
— Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) July 6, 2017
then 10 minutes later after Cillizza embarassed himself and CNN yet again, he tried to backtrack from his Twitter meltdown.
I think there probably wasn't an intent. I think Trump was out of her line of sight.
— Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) July 6, 2017
After Poland’s First Lady shook Melania’s hand, she went over to Trump. That’s what prompted this idiot’s attempt to clean up his CNN mess.