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Podesta has meltdown before Kim DotCom announcement

The Democrats are scared about what Kim DotCom might announce tomorrow, or even on Hannity. There has been reports of Democrats panicking so much that they’ve even backed away from the impeachment talk that they were so fired up for last week. You can see the panic in DNC Democrats like John Podesta who had an absolute meltdown during a softball interview with left wing Politico.

Podesta has meltdown before Kim DotCom announcement
Podesta has meltdown before Kim DotCom announcement

Donald Trump is “unfit for office,” a president whose actions are often “absolutely crazy” and whose White House has “a complete disregard for the truth.” His firing of James Comey, the FBI director overseeing an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign and whether Trump’s advisers colluded with it, amounts to “close to an obstruction case” against the president.

But, says John Podesta—the sharp-tongued campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton whose 60,000 hacked emails are at the heart of that FBI investigation into the team of the man who defeated them—don’t expect impeachment proceedings anytime soon.

Republican congressional leaders Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have chosen to “Velcro their own political fate” to Trump’s and won’t pursue allegations against the president of their own party unless forced to do so by a 2018 midterm election debacle or further revelations. “It is clear to me that Republicans on Capitol Hill are not going to begin to turn on him at this point,” Podesta says.

If KimDotcom drops the Seth Rich bomb on Hannity, or elsewhere through a press conference, all hell will break loose among the Democrats and the their enablers in the media. Funny how quickly the talk of impeachment suddenly disappears when the Seth Rich murder case comes up again isn’t it?