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Justin Amash: Impeach Trump

Justin Amash, another one of the class of 2010 “conservatives” who tries to emulate Ron Paul wants to impeach Trump. Amash, an anti-Israeli congressman from Michigan is the first “Republican” to bring up impeachment against Trump. Now watch the floodgates open and other slimy Republicans like John McCain join in.

Justin Amash: Impeach Trump
Justin Amash: Impeach Trump

Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) on Wednesday said if the reports about Trump’s pressure on Comey are true, it would merit impeachment.

Amash spoke a day after The New York Times on Tuesday reported that Trump tried to pressure Comey to stop investigating Flynn.
According to a memo written by Comey after the February meeting, the president told Comey “I hope you can let this go.”

Asked by The Hill if the details in the memo would merit impeachment if they’re true, Amash replied: “Yes.”

“But everybody gets a fair trial in this country,” Amash added as he left a House GOP conference meeting.

Asked by another reporter whether he trusted Comey’s word or Trump’s, Amash said: “I think it’s pretty clear I have more confidence in Director Comey.”
Amash is one of only two House Republicans to cosponsor a Democratic bill to establish an independent commission to investigate Russia’s role in the election. Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) has also endorsed the legislation.
In an interview late Tuesday night with CNN’s Don Lemon, Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) compared Trump allegedly pressuring Comey to drop the Flynn investigation to the obstruction of justice cases that led to impeachment proceedings for former presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.

“Obstruction of justice in the case of Nixon, in the case of Clinton in the late 90s, has been considered an impeachable offense,” Curbelo said.