HAHAHAAHHAAHHAA. Bath tub boy Keith Olbermann just wouldn’t go away. Apparently, Olbermann thinks Trump made CNN not hire him and put him on HLN or something. Olbermann obviously think CNN thinks the media is in the back pocket as they were with Obama, despite the fact CNN spews it’s anti-Trump vitriol on a 24 hour basis.
Keith Olbermann whines Trump made CNN not hire him |
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Keith Olbermann reveals in a recent New York Times Magazine interview that he was in talks to rejoin MSNBC or CNN, but says “influence” from President Trump is one of the reasons the talks failed.
In the Sunday Times Magazine piece titled “Keith Olbermann Was Once Cable News’s Liberal Standard-Bearer. Now He’s Missing Its Boom Times,” the former “Countdown” and “SportsCenter” host shared he had negotiated with CNN, where he worked in the 1980s.
“There was an offer, then there wasn’t an offer, then there was an offer. And Trump didn’t like me, and apparently exerted influence on that,” said Olbermann.
A CNN spokeswomen told the Times Magazine that there were brief conversations about Olbermann joining Headline News Network (HLN), which is also owned by Time Warner, well over a year ago — and without any involvement from Trump.
I can still remember Olbermann as a sports anchor on local Los Angeles news channels 5 and 2 back in the mid-late 1980’s. He was a loser then and obviously nothing has changed today. When are you going to face facts bathtub boy? No one likes you, no one wants to work with you and no one wants any part of you, no matter how crazy left you are.