Even Pamela Geller knows Fox News is headed in the direction of CNN and MSNBC under the Murdoch bastard children. It started with the firing of Roger Ailes, then went into overdrive with the firing of Bill O’Reilly who gave the network 20 years of top level ratings in primetime. The writing is on the wall. It’s time for a new center-right news channel to get going. I’ve heard about OANN, but hardly anyone gets that channel. Unless you want to stream OANN for the time being, you are stuck with what’s left of Fox News and fox Business (Hannity, Dobbs, Bolling, Pirro, etc).
The Left-Wing Takeover of Fox News |
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Many of us have seen this coming for a long time. The more powerful Fox became (on the backs of the right) the more to Fox moved to the left.
Roger Ailes should never have been forced to resign, nor Bill O’Reilly (even though I am not a fan). Rupert Murdoch’s two silver-spooned stooges, James Murdoch (Tweedledee) and Lachlan Murdoch (Tweedledum) are systematically dismantling the once great network. And like all true leftists they are tone deaf to the cacophony of complaints.
The cringe-worthy Geraldo Rivera, Juan Williams, Martha McCallum, Bob Beckel (!), why not Tomi Lahren? …. I turned it off after the election.The only place for Conservatives to get our news is online.
There is a great opportunity for a right of center news channel. It seems inevitable. And As so we wait the second coming of a conservative network where the work of my colleagues and I will have a home.
Serial plagiarists like Fareed Zakaria are just as powerful as ever on CNN but a hit of indiscretion and FOX cuts you loose.. We still have Hannity. But for how long? Only Rupert knows. Once Rupert goes, it’s over.