As the media whines and moans about Trump’s first 100 days, lets take a look back at Obama’s first 100 days in 2009 and see how the two presidents match up.
Obama lost over 3 million jobs in his first 100 days in office:
Job losses for the first four months of 2009 were:
January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost
February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost
March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost
April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost
Total for Obama’s first 100 days: 3,033,000 jobs lost.
Trump’s April 2017 job numbers aren’t in yet, but he will have created around one million jobs for the first 100 days once the numbers become public.
Also in Obama’s first 100 days in 2009, was the media love-fest. The media love-fest for Obama continued throughout his 8 year reign of terror. A perfect example of the media’s fawning over Obama was in June of 2009, just outside the first 100 days. Demoted NBC hack Brian Williams was even seen bowing to his Messiah Hussein Obama in a White House interview.
Obama’s first 100 days: 3 million jobs lost and media fawning |
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Compare that today with the press’ daily meltdowns over what Trump eat, drank, or when he shit. The liberal media was good actors when Obama was president. Now, they come off as just psychopaths who look dangerous. That’s the first 100 days.