Meet Joseph Jakubowski an anti-Trump leftist also hates religion. Joseph Jakubowski is accused of stealing a large quantity of handguns and rifles from the store in Janesville (in Paul Ryan’s district). Joseph Jakubowski mailed a 161 anti-Trump manifesto to him before disappearing after allegedly stealing the ammo. In the manifesto written to Trump, the crazy, Bernie Sandersd disciple writes “Revolution. It’s time for change.” Jakubowski also hates the police (like a typical leftist).
Joseph Jakubowski anti-Trump leftist also hates religion |
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As a general rule of thumb, anyone writing a rambling and length manifesto is typically a few fries short of a Happy Meal. While Jakubowski is anti-Trump, anti-religion, anti-cop, and apparently anti-capitalism, there’s no reason to assume he’s a socialist or communist or one of the unhinged anti-Fascist (“Antifa”) loons on the radical left threatening political violence because Donald Trump was elected President.
Wink-wink. Nudge-nudge.
Loon or not, Jakubowski is cunning, as he was able to steal 18 weapons from a gun and and get away with it, and has so far managed to evade authorities for five days. He is armed and dangerous and clearly deranged, and seems intent on harming a lot of people because Hillary Clinton lost the election.
Should you run across Jakubowski, call it in to authorities and keep your distance. Someone this unstable would likely open fire for little or no reason at all.
Haven’t heard about the Joseph Jakubowski story? Of course you haven’t. Since he’s a radical, left wing extremist, it doesn’t qualify as news. If Joseph Jakubowski was some Dylan Roof type, it would be all over the news right now.
Well done progressives. Another one of your loons is on the prowl. If this crazy left wing extremist so much as makes a scratch on one person, it will be blood on the hands of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Adam Schiff and the media.