Remember when Chris Matthews and MSNBC used to get thrills up their legs at the mere sight of Obama? Now, it seems CNN has surpassed MSNBC in not only it’s bias, but it’s absurding. Angela Rye on CNN actually (seriously) compared Obama to Jesus while bashing Trump. This is CNN.
CNN compares Obama to Jesus |
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RYE: I think the bigger issue that I have, speaking of having no chill, is that if this would have been under the Obama Administration, there would be no end to this. Barack Obama had to be the next best thing to Jesus and here we are just two months in and some change there is issue after issue. Maybe it’s not Russian collusion, maybe its collusion with the Intel committee chair. But it’s highly problematic. There are skiffs on the hill this chairman could have went to to get the classified information he needed be briefed on.
I think that the bigger issue that we have here is, that in the intel committee chairman all of a sudden has forgotten what procedures he needs to undergo to study and learn and/or brief someone on classified information.