With the implosion of RyanCARE today, three things have been accomplished.
#1 – Paul Ryan is completely neutered and should be forced to step down as Speaker. Soon after the vote on RyanCARE was cancelled today, there were already rumblings that Paul Ryan would be forced to give up the Speaker-ship, a job he should have never had in the first place.
RyanCARE implosion accomplishes three things |
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What Paul Ryan has proven is that he is equally as weak as John Boehner, equally ineffective and still a whore to globalists, just like Boehner. Even if the arrogant Paul Ryan doesn’t step down from the Speaker-ship, he is greatly weakened. This may have been Trump’s plan all along, kudos to him if it was. Trump should win an Oscar for his toying of Paul Ryan and letting him die on the vine.
#2 – it shows that the vast majority of Republicans never had any intention of really repealing ObamaCARE. The GOP pulled 60 or so repeal stunts while Obama was POTUS, knowing it would never go through. Over seven years of ObamaCARE, the GOP proved they could never draft a health care plan of their own, and all the talk about repealing ObamaCARE was nothing more than a show to try and win voters and get donations. This applies to at least 80% of the Republicans in the House and Senate, if not more. The good thing is, ObamaCARE will implode on it’s own in 2018 and people will be demanding a full repeal of ObamaCARE, without the BS three phase crap Ryan and Trump tried to sell the American people. Premiums and deductibles will go so high by 2018, no one will be able to afford ObamaCARE.
Obamcare’s implosion will be perfect timing for the 2018 midterm elections. The Democrats wouldn’t be able to pin ObamaCARE’s failures on the Republicans, because none of Ryan’s changes ended up getting down. Remember, RyanCARE didn’t repeal ObamaCARE. It just “tweaked” it. If RyanCARE was successfully passed, the Democrats would have had a great campaign asset where they could blame Republicans for everything wrong with ObamaCARE. Not anymore.
#3 – The media will be in celebration mode all weekend about the RyanCARE failure. They will spend all weekend celebrating ObamaCARE lasting another year or so and by Monday, people will be tired of the story. This will clear the air for the Obama surveillance bombshell that will drop next week. There’s a reason that during this whole RyanCARE clown show this afternoon, Comey the Clown made an unannounced and largely not covered by the media trip to the White House. Why else would Comey visit Trump at the White House if something wasn’t going on about Obama’s illegal surveillance?
With the air cleared by the start of the week, the full impact of Obama’s illegal surveillance will be felt. The media will not be able to hide and protect Obama this time.