I support Donald Trump, and most of which he has done, or pretends to do as president. But by pushing RyanCARE, I think both Donald Trump and Mike Pence are making huge mistakes. Not only is RyanCARE equally as bad, if not worse than ObamaCARE. Not only is RyanCARE worse than ObamaCARE, it will likely cost Republicans a larger majority in the House and Senate in 2018 if it somehow gets through Congress.
Trump is making a huge mistake by pushing RyanCARE |
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Trump is going to Kentucky on March 30th, the home state of Rand Paul who has been one of the biggest critics of RyanCARE. The people of Kentucky, who voted at over a 2:1 ratio for Trump during hte November election aren’t going to be fooled by Trump trying to sugar coat the toxic new health care law.
Trump promised to REPEAL and REPLACE ObamaCARE. RyanCARE does none of that. All RyanCARE does is tweak the existing ObamaCARE law, adding a couple of things to help corporations and not the American people.
Trump needs to use his “Art of the deal” skills to make sure RyanCARE is dumped. First and foremost, ObamaCARE must be repealed in it’s entirety. Or simply wait for ObamaCARE to collapse on it’s own, which is going to happen within a year or two as health insurance companies continue to bail out of the exchanges.
All the talk about the “12 million” or so no covered by ObamaCARE are simply Medicaid expansion leeches which would vote Democrat anyway. It’s time from Trump to show his leadership skills and get a real health care bill that would help the American people instead of the corporations. We all know Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and most of the GOP are corporate whores. Trump promised to change things in Washington, but this just more of the same.