If you want to get a glimpse into what progressive liberal Democrats consider “humor” or “funny,” take a look at Joan Walsh’s Slate Magazine. Apparently, they think the Holocaust was funny or something and are quite proud of themselves for having such disgusting thoughts.
Democrat run Slate magazine – Can the Holocaust be hilarious? |
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Can the Holocaust be hilarious? @SlateRepresent asks Last Laugh’s Ferne Pearlstein: https://t.co/EZzfT95Rvr pic.twitter.com/LSSp8Dvb1J
— Slate (@Slate) March 12, 2017
What else does Slate consider hilarious? ISIS beheading? Burning of child while alive? Maybe the genocide of Armenians by the Turks? Every single day, the left shows new ways to be disgusting by showing what they consider hilarious or entertaining. Ethnic cleansing isn’t hilarious, despite what leftist Democrat like Joan Walsh at Slate Magazine want you to believe.
Maybe their next hilarious podcast will be about Muslim female genital mutilation. I’m sure that’s right up there on Slate’s list of great comedies.
I’m sure there are plenty of Jews who write for Slate. Those self hating Jews should really take a good, strong look in the mirror and ask themselves if they consider the murder of 6 million Jews to be hilarious.