Just how low will Eddie Munster Jr. Paul Ryan go to get RyanCare passed? He’s now running TV ads against Republicans who are rightly skeptical about the crappy ObamaCARE-lite bill being pushed by Ryan and other big government Republican RINOs. I really wish Donald Trump would wake up and realize that RyanCARE doesn’t fix ObamaCARE’s problem. It just makes them worse. What’s most disgusting is not the fact that Munster of the House Ryan is running TV ads. It’s the fact he’s running ads against Republicans, not Democrats who opposes the crap bill.
#RyanCare – slimy Paul Ryan running TV ads against Republicans, not Dems |
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House Speaker Paul Ryan is openly targeting House Republicans with television advertisements—while conspicuously not hitting Democratic members—to try to browbeat them into supporting his healthcare legislation.
The remarkable development, in which a GOP leadership-connected organization is now opening fire on the airwaves against Ryan’s own members, is ultimately one of the main tactics employed by Ryan’s predecessor, former House Speaker John Boehner—one that was instrumental in forcing his resignation in 2015.And while this is going on, with Ryan unrelentingly pushing for this American Health Care Act—nicknamed by many Republicans who oppose it “Ryancare,” “Obamacare 2.0,” or “Obamacare Lite”—members in the House GOP conference are beginning to whisper about replacing not just Obamacare but replacing Ryan as Speaker.
“A group with close ties to House Republican leaders, including House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), is airing a half-million dollars’ worth of television ads in more than two dozen media markets urging unruly conservatives to support GOP health-care legislation,” the Washington Post’s Mike DeBonis reported on Thursday.