Before Trump announced Rex Tillerson to be his pick for Secretary of State, I had never heard of the guy. I questioned why Trump would pick someone like this who had no political experience for an important job like Secretary of State. But now I’m convinced Rex Tillerson was the perfect pick for Secretary of State as whiny, bitchy Fake Jake Tapper has been insulted by him. You see, Fake Tapper is insulted because Rex Tillerson isn’t taking any press with him on his first major trip to Asia.
Fake Jake Tapper whines about being insulted by TIllerson |
Not bringing press on a trip like that is unusual & insulting to any American who is looking for anything but a state-run version of events
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) March 9, 2017
Poor, fakey Jake Tapper. He feels privledged and gets insulted when no one wants to acknowledge him or his fake news network anymore. What Fake Tapper doesn’t seem to release is that presstitutes like him are a thing of the past. People don’t listen to the corrupt media anymore. They know where to find their news online, and it isn’t from geriatric media hacks like anyone at CNN or MSNBC.
Keep crying though Fakey Jake. Your tears are delicious.