I’ve been hearing all day about this whole Milo Yiannoupolis controversy. He was dis-invited from CPAC and Simon and Shuster decided to not publish his “Dangerous” book. It’s obvious the left wing smear machine went into over drive against Yiannoupolis. But it turns out that it wasn’t just the George Soros leftists that used paid research to take down Yiannoupolis. Seems the #NeverTrump cranks paid $250,000 for opposition research against Milo Yiannoupolis. It seems that once he was invited to speak at CPAC, the #NeverTrump nut job crew went to work. And apparently, attention whore Evan McMullin is a part of the group that went after Yiannoupolis.
#NeverTrump including Evan McMullin involved in taking down Milo |
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A 4Chan user said the far left had a scorched earth plan to take down Milo.
Via 4Chan:
FYI the MSM has a huge f*cking media onslaught that is set to go live Monday to scorch earth Milo and destroy him via the pedophile label.
I’m part of a mailing list (not giving my real name or the name of the list for the sake of protecting my ass from retaliation) but they have been sitting on the story for a while, because they thought Milo was small fries and wanted to wait until he got big enough a thread to go nuclear on.
The journalists are pissed the fuck off Maher put him on the air and more so, pissed off his book deal had not been revoked (and some are pissed that Milo got a book deal from the same publisher who dropped Zoe Quinn’s book, along with a larger signing bonus than most of the publisher’s social justice authors).
There are also those who want to hurt him simply as a proxy to hurt Steve Bannon/Breitbart. since their attempts to attack Bannon have largely failed. Not to mention people on the left being pissed off that most people sided with Milo over the rioters. Rioters, that were paid for by Soros through a variety of fronts and laundered through companies that can’t be traced back to him.
Expect a steady drumbeat of “Milo is a pedophile” and “Milo must be dropped from CPAC”. The later is especially important, in terms of the divide and conquer long game the press is playing: the press wants a civil war with the McCain/Graham wing of the GOP and the Trump/Ryan wing so as to weaken the Republicans in 2018. The overall plan is to make the Republicans fear social shaming from the media and the left more than they do their actual constituents who love Trump, in hopes of regaining the House and enough Senate seats to pull off an impeachment of Trump.
And Mike Cernovich and others reported the #NeverTrumpers paid for the research to take down Milo.
The story was first published at the #NeverTrump website Reagan Battalion.
There are rumors that the #NeverTrump crowd paid to take down Milo.
The Reagan Battalion has nothing to do with Ronald Reagan. It’s just an establishment RINO news aggregator. Even McMullin is already known to be an epic piece of shit. He’s obviously trying to make noise because he wants to run again for office in 2018. Bill Kristol will be in his lap.