And just like that, the left wing Democrats, media scum and Soros thugs in are a meltdown over Donald Trump’s pick of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. Enjoy some of the left wing tears and tweets as they can’t seem to grasp the fact that they are nothing more than the new Whig party.
The Democrat meltdown over Neil Gorsuch begins |
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Gorsuch gave a gracious speech about the law & I'll remember it as I demand my Senators DO EVERYTHING TO KEEP HIM THE FUCK OFF THE BENCH
— John DeVore (@JohnDeVore) February 1, 2017
This #SCOTUS seat doesn't belong to Pres. Trump or the GOP. It belongs to the American people, and I’ll make sure their voices are heard.
— Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) February 1, 2017
Trump's praise of Gorsuch's writing was a disaster of sentence fragments and bad writing — so, oh fuck who cares.Coat Hangers! Get em now!
— Christopher Moore (@TheAuthorGuy) February 1, 2017
I intend to carefully scrutinize Judge Gorsuch's temperament and record, particularly on civil rights and other Constitutional guarantees
— Senator Tim Kaine (@timkaine) February 1, 2017
Serious concerns moving forward w/ a #SCOTUSnominee & will be joining those pushing back against jamming this nominee through.
— Senator Patty Murray (@PattyMurray) February 1, 2017
No senator who believes individual rights are reserved to the people, not the government, can support Gorsuch’s nomination.
— Ron Wyden (@RonWyden) February 1, 2017
Can’t wait for Chucky Schumer’s tears.
Oh, and to you #NeverTrump nut jobs who said Trump would pick a more liberal SCOTUS justice than Hillary Clinton, where are you?