What a shock. Leftist Brooklyn Judge Ann Donnelly who put a stay on Trump’s executive order banning entry from seven countries is a far left actvist justice appointed by none other than Barack Hussein Obama. Judge Ann Donnelly who put the stay on Trump’s executive order only temporarily blocks the order.
Funny, no one ever complained when Hussein Obama blocked immigration from Iraq for six months in 2011. But of course, that’s different since Obama was a Democrat, it wasn’t considered a “Muslim ban.”
Judge Ann Donnelly who blocked Trump’s executive order appointed by Obama |
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As for Ann Donnelly, we will obviously have to respect the stay she put on Trump’s order. None of us who are for Trump’s temporary ban on terrorist hotbed countries feel like disrupting airports as a way to “retaliate.”
It’s too bad it took an activist left wing judge like Donnelly to appease the left and terrorist appeasing Democrats.
Now all the basement dwelling leftists causing travel problems at airports can go back to their safe spaces in mommy’s basements and go back to popping their shoulder zits. At least, until Donnelly’s stay expires.