I love it when the left eat each other. Buzzfeed, which released the phony Russian Trump dossier that spread in the corrupt Democrat media complex is now blaming CNN for publishing it first. But CNN and Buzzfeed have basically zero credibility left, so it’s that much more fun to watch.
Buzzfeed blames CNN for fake Trump Russian dossier |
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BuzzFeed editor in chief Ben Smith finally explained why the outlet published an opposition memo on President Donald Trump: CNN did it first.
CNN originally posted a heavily hedged report on the Trump-Russia dossier Jan. 10. Later that day, BuzzFeed posted the entirety of the memo with a note at the top of the piece saying, “The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.”
The 35-page dossier is a collection of memos alleging that Trump has ties to Russia. Former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele prepared the dossier, and went into hiding after CNN and BuzzFeed published it.
BuzzFeed faced harsh backlash for journalists and the Trump administration for publishing the dossier.
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