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Michelle Obama and her bitter beer face

I’ll give credit where credit is due. Barry Obama was complete class yesterday, despite his hate for Trump and the country. There were no eye rolls, bitter facial expressions or sighing. Phony or not, I’ll give him credit. The same can’t be said about his Wookie Wife Michelle Obama. All throughout the ceremonies Michelle Obama had her trademarked bitter beer face, and it was very pathetic and classless.

Michelle Obama and her bitter beer face
Michelle Obama and her bitter beer face

Bush 43 and his wife were class, as was Jimmy Carter and his wife. Even the Clinton’s were OK, aside from Bill Clinton ogling Ivanka Trump/ But Michelle Obama proved yesterday, once again what a complete and utter piece of human garbage she really is. She also proved the contempt she has for this country and everything it standards for.

I don’t know if Michelle Obama was just so bitter about losing all those tax payer funded vacations, or those parties at the White House. But she stood out like a sore thumb, and it was pathetic. No other First Lady in American history was a pathetic as she was. Thank God we got Melania Trump now.

It’s ok Michelle. You can stop pretending to be proud of your country again. I know it must have been rough on you over the last eight years to put up such an act. Goodbye and good riddance.