As the media tries to smear Trump before the inauguration on Friday and suck up to Hussein Obama’s failed presidency, the biggest lie has been what a scandal free president Obama was. CNN, which blew any shred of credibility during the election and since smearing Trump actually let Obama Chief Of Staff spin the lie about Obama being scandal free.
Obama was a scandal free president? BS! |
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Fake Jake Tapper allowed Obama’s chief of staff to go unchallenged when he claimed Obama has been scandal free.
The only thing “scandal free” about Obama was the fact that the media refused to cover Obama’s scandals.
Here is a little refresher course on Obama’s “zero” scandals:
Fast and Furious – This is was the first of many major scandals involving Obama and his cronies. This is the deal, ignored by the media that ran hundreds of guns to Mexican drug cartels. The idea was to track these guns and catch the drug lords in Mexico. Instead, it resulted in the death of border patrol agent Brian Terry, and hundreds of Mexicans in Mexico.
ObamaCARE – this disaster known as Obama is finally going to be ripped to shreds when Trump takes office. But you may remember how it was passed, after midnight, around Christmas. It got the needed 60 votes in the Senate because Arlen Spectre changed from being a Republican to Democrat. It got all 60 Democrat votes out of the Senate. Then in March of 10, there was that famous walk with Nancy Pelosi and her nose in the air after Obama had bought off enough votes to pass it in the House.
Benghazi – This scandal was well known, despite the media’s attempt to bury it. Obama lied to the American people for over two weeks about “a video” being the cause of the terrorist attack at the American consulate that resulted in the death of four Americans, including the Ambassador to Libya. Obama sent out Susan Rice to five Sunday news show the weekend after the attack to claim the attack was all a result of a Youtube video. That of course was complete and utter bullshit.
IRS scandal – Obama directed the IRS (then run by Lois Lerner) to target conservative and religious groups, and to delay their non-profit status from being awarded. No one has ever paid the price, or lost their job for their illegal targeting of Obama’s political enemies. Lois Lerner pleaded the fifth when Congress wanted to ask her about Obama”s direction to target conservatives. To this day, in 2017, the IRS is still targeting conservative groups. It’s just not newsworthy anymore.
Iran ransom payment and crappy deal – This is another story that failed to receive it’s due coverage from the corrupt Obama media complex. Obama ended up giving Iran what amounted to at least $17 billion in ransom payments to get four American hostages freed. Obama’s Iran deal also allows Iran to have a nuclear bomb in 10 years. Obama also wasn’t interested in paying any ransom for another American hostage in Iran, Robert Levinson. Most likely, because Levinson is Jewish, and Obama hates Jews.
and of course, Obama’s directing of his UN ambassador to abstain her vote and let the UN condemn Israel for “settlements.” That happened just before Christmas of 2016, as was basically the final stabbing in the back of Israel, our only real ally in the Muslim invested Middle-East. That had never happened before, even under other anti-Semitic presidents like Jimmy Carter. Obama’s legacy will be his hatred of Israel, America and constant praising of Muslims. He will have nothing left after ObamaCARE is ripped apart.
There are plenty of other Obama scandals to list, and you could Google them if you want. But I think you are starting to get the idea. Despite the media’s attempt to polish this turd, Obama was hardly scandal free. He had more scandals than Dubya Bush had, but you wouldn’t know that if you listened to the media’s BS.