Since 2008, ever election for the Democrats without Obama on the ticket has been a complete and utter disaster. So what’s the plan for 2018? Run on a platform that if Democrats take back the House in 2018 (which isn’t going to happen) that they will make Hussein Obama the Speaker of the House! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Considering congress’s “work” schedule, that seems to be a perfect fit for Hussein. They work about a third of the year while “earning” a salary of nearly $200,000 per member. Obama could get in on that and still have plenty of time for golf and parties.
LOL! Democrat plan for 2018: Make Hussein Obama Speaker of the House |
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There is a new petition on asking Obama to become House Speaker in 2018. Not only is it almost charming in its lack of awareness, it is also a reminder that the Left never gives in or gives up. When the personal and the political are the same, when even brushing your teeth is a political act, you’re going to be committed to political activity 24/7.
The petition opens by reminding potential signers that they’re now living with the horror of total Republican control. Worse, Leftist activity, including “protests and lawsuits are not going to be enough to stop Trump, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Sam Alito, and company from rolling back decades of progress virtually overnight, particularly if rank-and-file Republicans feel no pressure to dissent from Trump’s party line.” That reference to “decades of progress” is a funny one, because as best as I can tell, Trump is determined to roll back only 8 years of “progress,” which doesn’t even equal a single decade.
What you’re seeing here is something I’ve written about frequently, which is the Lefts’ belief that the 1950s are always lurking just around the corner with Jim Crow (a purely Democrat initiative), back alley abortions, gays deeply closeted and, perhaps worst of all, men and women playing their assigned gender roles. The fact that Trump was considered a benefactor to the black community before he ran as a Republican or that his initiatives towards gays and sex roles seem to be limited to blocking the federal government from telling schools to ignore biological gender or forcing nuns to buy birth control seems to have eluded J. Q. Adams, the petition’s author.
Panicked at the thought of all these inchoate horrors, Adams asks, “What can be done?”