Looks like either Russia, North Korea, Iran or the Chinese are hitting America with a major DDos attack. The DDos attack isn’t affecting every site. But it’s hitting major sites such as Twitter, SoundCloud, Spotify, Netflix, Reddit, Amazon, New York Times, Disqus and PayPal.
Of course, the Clinton media complex will immediately blame Russia and Donald Trump for this DDos attack. But think about this. If this DDos attack is by Russia, they would be suppressing the spread and coverage on Twitter of #Podestaemails14. If Russia is ‘responsible’ for the Wikileaks hack like the media and Clinton’s claim, why would they want to suppress the latest leak?
This isn’t a hack. Your passwords and credit cards aren’t being stolen by whomever is doing this DDos. It’s a denial of service attack.
Some sites have come back up like Amazon, Reddit and Paypal.
Twitter (and Tweetdeck), Disqus and SoundCloud still aren’t connecting for me.