Democrat Joe Manchin must be a really proud papa. Not only did Manchin take over KKK Robert Byrd’s Senate seat after the old klansman finally died off, his daughter is raking in tons of money by price gouging EpiPen. Democrat Joe Manchin’s daughter became CEO of Mylan in 2012. Back then, the average price of EpiPen was about $165. Since becoming CEO of Mylan, Manchin’s daughter has really gouged the price of the EpiPen. An average purchase of EpiPen will now cost over $600 thanks to Manchin’s daughter price gouging. She, is a typical Democrat, just like her filthy father who took over for Robert Byrd.
Manchin’s daughter has hiked price of EpiPen by nearly 4x since becoming CEO |
The rubes of West Virginia actually re-elected Manchin in 2012, so he will be in the Senate until at least 2018 while his daughter price gouges. Once a Democrat, always a Democrat.