The body bags are piling up for “enemies” of Hillary Clinton and the Crime Cartel family of the Clinonistas.
Here are the names of 47 people who had association with Hillary Clinton and family that mysteriously turned up murdered. This doesn’t even include Seth Rich yet.
With the Seth Rich murder, Hillary Clinton now linked to 50 murders |
#SethRich How many Murders can @HillaryClinton add to body count during this Campaign??!!
— Jules Potter (@JulesRollTide) August 10, 2016
Seth Rich's murder was a fatal misstep on the behalf of Hillary Clinton, a woman now linked to possibly 50 murders
— Milo Yiannopolous ✘ (@NimbleNavgater) August 10, 2016
4 mysterious MURDERS in 4 weeks of men ready to testify against Hillary Clinton. Funny how the MSM ignores these deaths which surround her.
— Mr. Veritas (@MrVeritas) August 8, 2016
But lets worry about things like Donald Trump’s ploy to get 2nd Amendment supporters out and vote for him.