How pitiful is PBS? They tried to dupe their audience by showing the DC Fireworks show from 2014. It’s so obvious, the Capitol Dome scaffolding mysteriosuly disapeeared from PBS’s “fireworks” show. Either someone went poof, or the fireworks were from 2014. Basically, your tax dollars that was supposed to pay for PBS televising this year’s fourth of July instead got you a stock fireworks show because PBS is either too lazy, cheap or both.
PBS shows 4th of July fireworks from 2014 |
Yeah, the Capitol dome scaffolding keeps disappearing & reappearing on #July4thPBS. Best worst #capitolfourth EVAH.
— Laura Seay (@texasinafrica) July 5, 2016
And in case anyone is wondering if @PBS used stock fireworks footage, there was no scaffolding on the Capitol rotunda. #July4thPBS
— Bob Bissen (@libcam) July 5, 2016
Look, no scaffolding on the Capitol dome. #July4thPBS #bullshit #goodthingwedidnthirethemtofakethemoonlanding
— Aru (@IAmAru) July 5, 2016
Boeing wants its money back Fake no scaffolding fireworks. #July4thPBS
— Arleen Zank (@arleenzank) July 5, 2016
Another obvious give away is that skies are cloudy in DC tonight, skies are not clear like the stock fireworks video shows. PBS should reanme their annual show the fake 4th of July.