When it comes to winners and losers of the 2016 primary season, there are a lot to chose from, especially the losers. Jeb Bush, who was annointed the GOP nominee before the primary season even started fell flat on his face and was done after the third state of the primary season.
Then of course you have John Kasich who ate his way through the primary season, winning only his home state before dropping out after succeessfully leaching off enough votes from Ted Cruz to help Trump get the delegates.
Biggest loser of the 2016 primary season: The corrupt media |
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On the Democrat side, Martin O’Malley and Lincoln Chaffee completely embarrassed themselves on the debate stage and couldn’t even beat a 74 year old Communist.
But without a doubt, the biggest loser of the 2016 primary season is the corrupt, liberal media.
It started with Megyn Kelly last August. Her ratings in the key 24-54 demo are now lagging behind Sean Hannity of all people as her war on Trump hasn’t stopped. The rest of the media fawned all over Donald Trump because he brought ratings. Now, that he is the presumptive GOP nominee, they bashing him for anything. If he has a hangnail, they claim he’s racist.
Even though both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have historically high levels of unfavorablity ratings, the media is even less liked and less trusted than either of the two candidates. The media has always been left wing biased. But as of 2008 when they went all in for Obama, they are now officially a propaganda arm of the Democrat party. It’s time to start stripped the corrupt media of their revenue sources and boycott their sponsors.