Just thing. If Corrupt Hillary Clinton wins, we’ll get 4-8 more years of this shit. Obama forced the ambassador to Qatar to apologize because of a video that showed American soldiers laughing. Seriously. Qatar is of course a Muslim country.
Obama apologized to Qatar – because soldiers laughed |
The U.S. ambassador to Qatar apologized to the government Thursday after a video featuring two U.S. soldiers laughing caused some to believe they were insulting the country.
The video, posted to YouTube, shows the soldiers as they talk into a camera, standing in front of a pair of U.S. and Qatari flags.
The soldier on the left laughs as he says in a slightly slurred voice that he’s speaking from “an unknown disclosed location in a place called …” — then makes an indistinct sound to further indicate his location is secret.
He gestures at the Qatari flag behind him in an exaggerated fashion, while the second soldier is laughing.
The second soldier regains her composure and tells her colleague they “need to be serious,” before breaking into laughter again. That prompts a voice off camera to chime in, “This is as serious as it gets.”
While the video appears lighthearted, the Qatari government was not amused. They took it seriously enough to summon the American ambassador, Dana Shell Smith, so she could explain the video.
In Qatar, it is illegal to insult or express a lack of respect for the flag and violators face prison terms of up to three years, and a potential 200,000 riyal fine (about $55,000).