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Washington Post progressive now raising cats as gender-neutral

It’s come to this. Progressive nut jobs, including those who write for the Washington Post, a supposed leading newspaper in this country is raising her cats as gender-neutral. Welcome to Obama’s AmeriKa people. You want more of this shit? Vote for Hillary Clinton.

Washington Post progressive now raising cats as gender-neutral
Washington Post progressive now raising cats as gender-neutral

Whoops! I had called them boys, when in fact they were girls. An understandable mistake, as I’ve had cats for about 50 years, and all of them have been male. “I’m going to have to work on using the right pronouns,” I thought. And then another thought: “Why? They’re cats.”

That’s when I decided to raise my cats to be gender neutral.

The cats’ lives wouldn’t change, I reasoned, and it would help me learn to use plural pronouns for my friends, neighbors and colleagues who individually go by they, their and them. Even though using they, them and their as singular pronouns grates on many people because it’s grammatically incorrect, it seems to be the most popular solution to the question of how to identify people without requiring them to conform to the gender binary of female and male. It also just feels right to refer to people as they wish to be referred to.

Crazy cat lady is a progressive and has a paid gig at the Washington Post. Who knew?

What’s next from these nut job progressives? Cat litter boxes with a unisex sign next to it?