Donald Trump Polish workers. Marco Rubio has been saying to Google this during the debate in attacking Donald Trump. So what is this Donald Trump Polish workers thing Rubio is referring to? A story posted by left-wing Daily Beast (Rubio’s claim) citing a 35 year old story of Trump using the Polish Bridge to build Trump Towers. This article claims that 200 or so illegal Polish aliens. Is it true? You can investigate yourself. THis is just for reference what Rubio’s Google Donald Trump Polish workers claim is based on.
Donald Trump Polish workers (Rubio’s claim) |
The 200 demolition workers—nicknamed the Polish Brigade because of their home country—worked 12-hour shifts, seven days a week with no overtime to knock down the old Bonwit Teller building and make room for Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
According to testimony in a protracted civil suit in federal court, the laborers were paid $5 an hour or less when they were paid at all. Some went unpaid after the contractor had financial troubles. A few never received even the paltry sum that was owed them for their dirty and hazardous efforts preceding the construction of Trump’s monument to his own wealth.
“They were undocumented and worked ‘off the books,’” Manhattan federal Judge Charles Stewart said of the workers after they became the subject of a 1983 lawsuit. “No records were kept, no Social Security or other taxes were withheld.”
Trump was speaking with more firsthand knowledge than his readers likely imagined when he wrote in his 2011 book Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again that “illegal immigration is a wrecking ball aimed at U.S. Taxpayers.”