Nashua 1980: Presidential Candidate Ronald Reagan is threatened with having his mic cut off. Reagan epicly slams the hack, that his is paying for that microphone and the crowd erupts in cheer. Fast forward 36 years into the future. In Nashua New Hampshire, at the Rotary Luncheon, Jeb Bush is is basically cut off while trying speak. Jeb Bush had a much difference response than Reagan. Bush, being the loser he is just shrugged whined a litte and walked off like a good lie Bushie. Below is the video.
Loser Jeb Bush cut off at Rotary Luncheon in Nashusa VIDEO |
Here’s hoping Jeb Bush gets crushed in the New Hampshire primary tomorrow and finally goes away. Enough is enough of this petulant little child. Of course Jeb might go running to his 90 year old mother and cry like a little Bush baby.