If you want to talk about pathetic, scripted moment, it doesn’t get much worse than Hillary Clinton’s May the Force be with you at the end of the Democrat debate. It’s not like Star Wars needs an old dried up witch like Hillary Clinton spewing May the Force be With you at a debate. They are raking in plenty of money from the people who are so desperate for whatever reason to run and see The Force Awakens. Star Wars was cool to me, in the 1970’s and 80’s but I’ve grown out of that now.
Hillary Clinton: May the force be with you VIDEO |
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Hillary Clinton’s closing with May the Force be with You obviously represents the dark side of the force. It’s also no coincidence that Star Wars director JJ Abrams and his wife gave $1 million to Mrs. Clinton’s super PAC back in June.
Star Wars director JJ Abrams and his wife gave $1 million to Mrs. Clinton’s super PAC in June. #DemDebate
— Rebecca Ballhaus (@rebeccaballhaus) December 20, 2015
Please Hillary. We all know what a phony you are. Even some Democrats do. But please, leave the Star Wars references with Bill Clinton when he flies off the Epstein’s Pedo Island to have sex with underage girls. You are a little old for using Star Wars references, and don’t look much younger than Yoda. May the FARCE be with you is far more appropriate for the Hillary Clinton campaign.