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Omnibus passes Senate 65-33

And there you go. First it was the House passing the Paul Ryan omnibus $1.1T progressive bill with over 300 votes and 150 Republicans. It didn’t take long to get past the Senate either. The omnibus budget bill got 65 votes in the Senate and will no go to King Hussein Obama to sign. Don’t know if it will go to him before he heads off to Hawaii or if they will ship it to King Hussein as he’s on the golf course in Hawaii.

Omnibus passes Senate 65-33
Omnibus passes Senate 65-33

After this charade, I think it should be abundantly clear that it’s not just progressive liberal Democrats selling this country and it’s future out. It’s also progressive Republicans, plenty of whom are just as worthless as Democrats. Marco Rubio was typical absent for the vote so he wouldn’t on the record one way or another.