There goes the progressive liberal narrative on the Colorado Springs shooting of Planned Parenthood being the target. Colorado Springs police have confirmed that the shooter’s motivation a few hours ago has absolutely NO connection to Planned Parenthood, despite the corrupt liberal media’s lies and attempt to spin the story in their favor. What started as a botched bank robbery of Chase Bank lead to the failed robber barricading himself a room at Planned Parenthood after he ran away when his botched bank robbery.
police: "no connection to Planned Parenthood and shooting victims are getting treatment" #COSprings
— Charlie Camosy (@nohiddenmagenta) November 27, 2015
Colorado Springs police says no connection to Planned Parenthood |
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So we went from “Active shooter inside Planned Parenthood!”
“No connection to PP. 911 call came from there.”
— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) November 27, 2015
Shame on your media and shame on you leftist scum for trying to use this shooting to bash Christians. Am I surprised? No. Am I sick of this shit? You bet.
Since three cops were shot, maybe I should assume the shooter is a leftist or a part of black lives matter since cops were the target. Colorado Springs police have connection to Planned Parenthood, so GFYS leftists and media.