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Marlin police Chief Darrell Allen shot in the head #blacklivesmatter

Darrell Allen Marlin police Chief was shot in the head by yet another #blacklivesmatter thug earlier today. Marlin police Chief Darrell Allen is currently in critical condition. He is also black. Apparently police Chief Darrell Allen life doesn’t matter to the leftist thugs of #blacklivesmatter. Allen was shot in the head last night while working security job overnight near Waco for Halloween.

Marlin police Chief Darrell Allen shot in the head #blacklivesmatter
Marlin police Chief Darrell Allen shot in the head #blacklivesmatter

As usual, not a peep about the latest left wing extremist #blacklivesmatter war on cops. Aside from a few local reports in Austin, you wouldn’t even know about police Chief Darrell Allen being shot critically in the head.