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Lurch Kerry has Washington Post reporter removed from meeting

If you could ever imagine a Secretary of State as bad as Hillary Clinton, it would have the face of John Heinz Kerry. Lurch is so secretive that he had a Washington post reporter, basically a sycophant of the entire Obama regime removed from a meeting with Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov.

Lurch Kerry has Washington Post reporter removed from meeting
Lurch Kerry has Washington Post reporter removed from meeting

The meeting took place in the Samarkand, Uzbek, as the U.S. aimed to reassure Central Asia of its continued involvement in the region against radical Islam.

Kerry was also going to urge leaders from Central Asia to commit to a standard of basic human rights as a part of his four-day trip, but the topic was not said to be the main focus of the diplomatic meeting.

No matter how hard the leftist media complex tries to lick Obama and his underlings’ bungholes, they still have contempt for the media.