The drool coming out of the mouths of Fox News hacks as they whine and moan about Donald Trump has gotten so old that one of the main Trump bashers, Charles Krauthammer just said something not only utterly false, but blatantly stupid as well. According to Cabbage Pounder (Krauthammer), Bill Clinton is probably the most anti-racist president we’ve had in our lifetime. Say what? Are we talking about the same Bill Clinton who uttered racist insults at Obama during the 2008 campaign season? The same Bill Clinton who sent his granny that racist postcard when he was in college. In case you forget (or just never heard it from the Democrat media complex), the postcard read:
Charles Krauthammer: Bill Clinton the most anti-racist president in our lifetime VIDEO |
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Hope, Arkansas – Home of the World’s Largest Watermelon,” there’s a grinning Black young’n buffing a huge melon, the kind of image that riles many African Americans.
Looks like Chuckie is off his meds again.