Melissa Harris-Perry just dropped another stupid bomb this weekend, claiming America hasn’t embraced socialism because we are racists or something.
Melissa Harris-Perry America isn’t a socialist because racism |
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MHP: So we see this comparison a lot that the U.S. is alone, and nearly alone, among Western democracies in not having universal health care or guaranteed paid parental leave or many other perks of a more socialist government. But the question is why. What makes the U.S. different? And the way I tend to frame this to my students is why is there no socialism in the U.S.? The great Eric Foner question. And there`s a one-word answer, Kai, I’m looking at you, friend —
Wright: Let me see. Could it be race?
MHP: Could it be? I mean that becomes the kind of standard story, right, is that in this country, race and racial privilege has trumped class identity as a way of organizing our politics.