So this is where we are in 2015. First, the Back to the Future series is racist according to one leftist. Now, The Hill, which is slowly becoming a carbon copy version of Politico because of their liberal bias is claiming that Biff Tannen, the movie’s villain was based on Donald Trump. I think I have truly heard and read everything when it comes to politics. I suppose you can find humor in all this hubris. The left and their media propagandists are so desperate that they would stoop this low. Point and laugh at The Hill, Daily Beast, etc.
The Hill: Biff Tannen was inspired by Donald Trump |
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“Back to the Future” villain Biff Tannen was inspired by Donald Trump, according to the film’s writer.
“We thought about it when we made the movie!” screenwriter Bob Gale told the Daily Beast on Wednesday.
A high school bully who terrorizes Marty McFly in the original, Tannen appears in the sequel as a golden-haired casino mogul who uses his money and influence to assume political power in a dystopic America, circa 2015.
“Are you kidding? You watch ‘Part II’ again and there’s a scene where Marty confronts Biff in his office and there’s a huge portrait of Biff on the wall behind Biff, and there’s one moment where Biff kind of stands up and he takes exactly the same pose as the portrait?” Gale said.“Yeah. That’s what we were thinking about,” he added.
The film’s protagonists traveled through time to Oct. 21, 2015, in “Back to the Future Part II,” marking Wednesday as “Back to the Future Day.”
Several of the movie’s predictions about the future have been prescient. Although writers whiffed on the hover board, they successfully envisioned staples of modern-day life such as the self-checkout line and the IMAX Theater.
Wasn’t Donald Trump a liberal Democrat in the ’80s? That’s why so many conservatives just don’t trust him. When he you read crap like this from leftist propaganda sites, all it does it help Trump with the doubters. Maybe Megyn Kelly helped write the script.
The Hill is beyond parody these days. Once an actually independent political site, their slide to the left has gotten pretty pathetic. I guess that’s why Fox News always has hacks from The Hill on their shows.