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Dan Scavino tweets Marco Amnesty Rubio site FEC violation?

Dan Scavino last night tweeted out a new Marco Amnesty Rubio website. says that Marco Rubio is Jeb Bush without the honesty. Personally, I’d put Rubio on equal footing with Jeb Bush. Bush is hardly ‘honest.’ While dead on accurate, did Trump campaign manager Dan Scavino tweet an FEC violation? Here is the tweet from Scavino last night about the new Marco Amnesty Rubio site:

Dan Scavino tweets Marco Amnesty Rubio site FEC violation?

If is from Donald Trump, or his campaign manager Dan Scavino it isn’t exactly professionally designed.

I must admit, I am getting rather irritated with Donald Trump. He says anyone who trashes him, he will fire back, which is fair. Last week Hillary Clinton slammed Donald Trump and he didn’t even respond to it. Ted Cruz is, and will be the candidate I support. Donald Trump was near the top, but his latest antics are getting on my nerves.