As the far left continues on their anti-gun crusade, people are buying up guns and ammo in record numbers in preparation for socialist/fascist gun grabbing by Democrats. The FBI’s National Instant Background Check System processed 1,795,102 applications to buy a gun in September. This nearly 1.8 million applications to buy guns crushes the old September record by a whopping 23%.
September sees record gun sales |
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The number of checks done in a particular month is considered a reliable gauge of how many gun sales have occurred since background checks are required on all sales made through licensed firearms dealers. The actual number of sales is likely higher since multiple firearms can be sold to the same person by a dealer under a single background check. The numbers also do not account for sales between private parties that do not require a background check.
September is the fifth month in a row to set a record for background checks. May, June, July, and August all produced record numbers. The summer of 2015 has seen the most gun sales on record.
The summer has also seen an increase in calls from some Democratic presidential candidates, including frontrunner Hillary Clinton, for new gun control laws. Clinton has said she would use executive orders to implement certain forms of gun control.
The Second Amendment Foundation said Democratic efforts to impose new gun control measures were fueling the sales increases. “We are seeing new record highs in gun sales due to the increased anti-gun rhetoric from Democratic candidates like Hillary Clinton,” said Alan Gottlieb, the group’s founder. “Their push for new restrictions on gun ownership is fueling gun sales.”
Keep talking about your fascist gun grabbing progressive liberal Democrats! It seems to be working wonders.