Whoa. Scott Walker, the one time leader in the GOP race for president has dropped out of the race. This is no minor candidate like Rick Perry dropping out, this is huge. Scott Walker had strong support with the evangelical Christians but just didn’t have what it takes to become president. I actually liked Scott Walker. I was willing to vote for him. Now the attention to turns how will Scott Walker endorse?
Scott Walker drops out of GOP presidential race |
The leftists and union thugs have to be creaming their pants today with Scott Walker dropping out of the presidential race. He could be a good VP pick though. Scott Walker showed up at less than one percent in the latest CNN poll. That was probably the knockout blow for him. Happy trails Scott Walker! I think you are a good guy, despite disagreeing with some of your stances on amnesty.
I really thought Scott Walker would be a stronger candidate, no traction. #GOP
— Chuck Nellis (@ChuckNellis) September 21, 2015
Scott Walker has announced he is suspending his campaign.
— Taylor Egly (@TaylorEgly) September 21, 2015
After reviewing internal polls that looked just as bad as new CNN survey @ScottWalker will suspend campaign for GOP WH nomination
— Major Garrett (@MajorCBS) September 21, 2015